Registration for Curling Alberta competitions opened Monday, October 7th at 4:00pm. The Wheelchair category is the only exception, which will open for registration on November 1st, 2019. Similar to past seasons, Curling Alberta’s member clubs will have the opportunity to declare their intent to register a team for the Curling Club Championship provincial qualifiers. More information on Club Championship registration to come. The registration deadline for all categories is 12:00pm (noon) on the Wednesday that is three weeks before the first qualifier in that category. Mixed Doubles and Wheelchair are an exception as the deadline is the Wednesday 2 weeks prior to the first qualifier. Visit the Curling Alberta website to see all deadlines.
To register your team online, simply scroll to the bottom of the Provincial Qualifier and Championships page on the Curling Alberta website and click ‘Register Now’.
Related, Curling Alberta is pleased to announce the policies governing its competitions for the 2019- 20 season have been published. Please note that there are a number of notable changes in addition to those posted during the summer. The implemented changes are aimed to increase participation, highlight developmental opportunities, and promote fairness. These revisions are largely based on valuable stakeholder feedback collected over the course of last season and in the spring. Curling Alberta’s Board and Competitions Committee sincerely thank everyone who responded to our call for comments and opinions on our rules and policies. We feel that the changes largely reflect the feedback and are a positive step to encourage more athletes to enjoy the thrill of competition for a lifetime
While competitors and coaches are still responsible to read and be familiar with Curling Alberta’s complete rules and policies, click here for a short-listed summary of the most noteworthy changes coming for the 2019-2020 curling season. Click here for the entire versions.