Curling Alberta Awards

Curling Alberta AwardS

Every year, Curling Alberta will honour those people within our organization who have helped to inspire the curlers of today and tomorrow. There are specific awards for players, coaches, officials, ice technicians, partners, and volunteers who have all contributed their time and effort to curling. These awards are intended to celebrate the extraordinary people who contribute at all levels of our sport, from community leaders and grassroots initiatives, all the way up to our high-performance athletes.

Curling Alberta will provide all award nominees with a certificate of recognition and gift to mark the nomination.


Awarded annually to a team who is a
shining example to others. Considerations
include sportsmanship, dedication,
positive leadership qualities, and
community involvement. All ages,
categories, and skill levels are eligible,
but competitive achievement will be
a highly weighted component. Team
accomplishments are limited to Curling
Alberta events in the most recently
completed season.


Awarded annually to a volunteer who has
made an extraordinary contribution to the
sport of curling.


Awarded annually to an ice-maker who has provided significant leadership, excellence, and dedication to their craft.


Awarded annually to a sponsor or partner
of curling that has shown tremendous
support to the sport.


Awarded annually to an outstanding
official who has demonstrated a high
level of knowledge, strength, leadership,
dedication, and integrity.


Awarded annually to a coach who
has directed his or her team with
sportsmanship and integrity. This
individual possesses proper skills and
knowledge to effectively mentor, support,
and challenge their athletes while instilling
a love of curling. This coach inspires
continued learning and improvement,
and demonstrates respect and care for
athletes. A high standard of personal
conduct is also clearly exhibited. The
minimum coaching standard to be met
by nominees is Club Coach “Trained”
or Competition Coach “Trained” as
recognized by Curling Alberta and the
Coaching Association of Canada.


Awarded annually to an instructor who
has been a difference-maker in his or her
club and community. He or she has gone
above and beyond to build membership,
preserve and improve existing programs, and introduce beginners to our sport in a
safe and enjoyable manner. This individual
has a passion for teaching and has also
demonstrated a high standard of personal


Awarded annually to anyone as selected
by the President of Curling Alberta
for outstanding service to the sport of
curling. Current Board members are not
eligible. Nominations for this award will be
considered but the recipient is usually self-selected by the President.


Awarded annually to a member club
or community curling centre which
displays outstanding impact in and on
the community. Areas of consideration
may include: development of innovative
programs and services; alignment to
the provincial programs (e.g. whole of
sport approach); evidence of volunteer
management strategies (attract, develop,
retain); evidence of financial sustainability
/ viability; sound leadership practices
(role descriptions for committees and key
club roles, robust governance practices);
community engagement (e.g. with
other clubs, schools, sponsors, external
stakeholders or community groups); coach
and/or instructor development processes in place; retention and growth of a diverse
membership; success in fundraising and
management of large capital projects; etc.
Clubs are encouraged to self-nominate for
this award. Only member clubs of Curling
Alberta are eligible to be nominated for the
Club of the Year award.


Awarded annually to a team or individual
athlete who exemplifies the ideals of
sportsmanship both on and off the ice
with ethical behavior, fair play, respect for
others, and a love for curling. The team or
player must be eligible to compete in the
U15, U18 or U21 categories.

Nomination Process

To make a nomination, simply answer the following questions in an email or MS Word document and submit to Jill Richard, Curling Alberta’s Executive Director:

  1. Award Category 
  2. Nominee information (Name, email address, phone number, and curling club) 
  3. Nominator information (Your name, relationship to the nominee, email address, phone number, and curling club)
  4. Describe your nominee’s exceptional achievements, contributions or services, as they relate to the award you are nominating them for. 
  5. What attributes has your nominee demonstrated to support this nomination? 
  6. Describe the impact of your nominee on a local, regional, national, and/or international level.
  7. Is there anything else about the nominee you would like the committee to consider?

You are encouraged to submit any additional testimony, pictures, or documentation to support the nomination. Nominations may be submitted by anyone, and self- nominations are also welcome. Please keep in mind that the awards are open to recognize contributors of any scope, whether local or provincial. Nominations will be accepted until April 15, 2023.


The awardee(s), with the exception of the President’s Award, will be selected by an ad hoc Award Selection Committee of three to five members appointed at the sole discretion of the Board of Curling Alberta. The Selection Committee may recognize multiple awardee(s) for any category in circumstances in which the contributions of multiple nominees are viewed as being of similar importance. Curler’s Corner will also be a voting member of the Selection Committee for the Curlers Corner Youth Sportsmanship Award.

2023 Awards Celebration – Save the Date

The 2023 award recipients will be honoured at the Annual Awards Celebration on June 23, 2023.

Get the printable version here. 

Past Award Recipients

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