The Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation (SPAR) division of the Government of Alberta has released recently updated their guidance for sport, physical activity and recreation in Stage 2.
Key takeaways from the updated guidance include:
- Where 2 metre physical distancing between individuals/teams is maintained or the mini-league model is employed, travel for curling (i.e. leagues, training, and bonspiels) is allowed.
- The updated AHS guidance states that tournaments and competitive events may occur during Stage 2 as long as all participants maintain 2 metre physical distancing at all times or the team decides to cohort within their team and remain distant from all other teams.
- The current guidance allows Curling Alberta to proceed with its schedule of sanctioned events; no further cancellations are foreseeable at this time.
To provide further clarification to the guidance, the Return to Play FAQs has been updated.